Karmann Komment

Our flagship magazine ‘Karmann Komment’ started its life back in September 1982 as a bi-monthly newsletter, being produced on an electric Roneo duplicating machine. This process however had several limitations and resulted in a poor-quality print with restricted content. It also precluded the inclusion of photographs and diagrams.

After three newsletters had been produced using the duplicating machine it was decided to find a more economical method to fulfil the needs of the club.

So, a printer from Bolton, was tasked with the job of producing the fourth newsletter. This proved to be a vast improvement on what came before, however this success was short lived. The printers were inexpensive but also proved to be very unreliable. This resulted in the fifth newsletter being removed from the printers’ premises and passed onto another printer in Bolton, who miraculously printed the rescued newsletter in 24 hours.

At their behest an electronic typewriter was used and the format of the newsletter was reduced from A4 to A5. It also included photographs which were reproduced in black and white, which further enhanced the publication.

In 1984 the format became standardised with regular features which included Clubs Abroad, Register Report, Events, Technical and Club Shop, transforming the newsletter into the ‘Karmann Komment’ magazine.

Over the years the magazine has grown from being a 24-page black and white publication to more recently a 56-page, full colour, glossy, quarterly magazine.  Although some features, such as Letters to the Editor, have come and gone, the core features are still very evident from those early editions.

Today’s magazine encapsulates the diversity of cars that the current membership is made up from, striving to maintain the balance between concours and modified vehicles. All members are encouraged to send pictures of their cars or articles about their prized possessions to the editor for inclusion in the magazine.

Jan – March 2021

(Download example magazine)


‘Karmann Komment’ is now more than ever a member’s magazine, produced by members and featuring members cars.

If you would like to submit anything to be included in a future magazine, or would like help and advice in sharing your story, then email the editor – editor@kgoc-gb.org

Contact Details:

01787 249285